STAR-DATE 10/07/2012.
It has been nearly 23 years since that tragic and devastating event that took place in the devastated area of Chumphon, Thailand. The storm struck early in the morning of November 4th 1989, with a wind velocity of 190km per hour, leaving over 400 casualties, damaging 40,000 properties and effecting round a hundred and 50,000 people. The strong waves did a similar quantity of harm to the coral reef as the Tsunami of 2004 did to Phuket. Broken coral was washed ashore leaving a bank of coral virtually a meter deep on one of the beaches in Chumphon.
Damaging winds uprooted numerous trees and energy poles and toppled wooden homes constructed on stilts Exacerbated by deforestation flash flooding triggered by the storm damaged or destroyed thousands of properties and prompted over 400 fatalities as reported earier. A number of towns and villages throughout Chumphon province have been devastated, and one of the destroyed villages "regarded prefer it had been bombed" in keeping with the Bangkok Post. Whole districts had been reportedly "flattened" within Chumphon and Prachuap Khiri Khan provinces.
The typhoon destroyed many schools across Chumphon and Surat Thani provinces, a lot of which constructed from wood. All buildings near the storm's path had their windows and doorways blown out, and some multi-story buildings misplaced their higher floors. A few faculties constructed from strengthened concrete sustained little damage. Over 1,000 roads and 194 bridges had been damaged or washed away. At the height of the floods, over 250,000 hectares (618,000 acres) of land was below water. Onshore, 558 fatalities had been attributed to the storm, and one other 44 occurred just offshore. Throughout Thailand, roughly 47,000 properties had been damaged or destroyed, and over 200,000 individuals were affected, of which about 153,000 have been left homeless. Typhoon Gay as one of many costliest disasters in the nation's history.
Typhoon Gay: "The storm struck early in the morning of November 4th 1989" Early hours then we can cast a chart for the early part of that devastating morning. Knowing what astrology teaches us about how important an angle is and that in this case that the 4th house cusp tells us allot.
The conjunction of the Planet Uranus to the 4th House cusp is an important aspect to take note:
Uranus rules things like Hurricanes/Typhoons and as Uranus Transits through the Houses of the Zodiac from the 4th to the 3rd then astrologically Uranus in the 3rd House means that in Mundane astrology means "storms, effects of."
With Uranus in Capricorn can reminds and lets us know that you could juggle all calls that's been made upon all us. In reality, you will relish the excitement of each hurdle. If we do not feel this level of confidence right now, this time will be and will consider us to consider in oneself. Everyone will have to get all it's good to meet each aim and more. Embrace the challenges ahead!
The Full Moon Chart & Astro Cartography.
Astrology has always been a method of predicting current events from the dawn of civilization for hundreds and hundreds of years. There has been many ways to predict events past, present & future but one ways is through the way time is marked by the moon and it's passage.
We see here the Full Moon Chart of September 15th. Basically the time was over a month away from the calamity which ensue the month after next!
The Planets of Uranus,Saturn and Pluto are ruled by disasters and Neptune retrograde (water)
Uranus is on one of the most powerful angles the MC (The Mid heaven).
One thing to note about the timing of events is that the method of New Moon and Full Moon Astro-Cartography basically lasts for 3 months. It is interesting that the line of the planet Uranus is shadowing the general area if Asia.
The Astro -Cartography mapping of this area for Full Moon Chart shows us that Uranus (Typhoon/Winds Strong) show us an indication that there is quite possible that a Typhoon of historical proportions will be present on the local area.
Planets in the Houses.
When looking at the Houses of the Full Moon chart, with see also the placements of the other Planets the ones mentioned earlier.
Asc is Always Important.
Ascendant is 01Aries27 and it is the essence of this chart. The Planetary ruler for Aries is Mars. Mars in in the 6th House and squares Uranus the 10th house on the MC.
As mention before, Pluto is recognized as a planet associated with death and disasters. Pluto is located in the heavens in the 8th house. The House Ruler is Scorpio and the Traditional Planetary Ruler is Mars and the Modern Planetary Ruler for the same sign is Pluto. So imagine some of the keywords for the 8th House which Pluto and Mars is apart of is that all matters relating to death, decay, fear, anxiety and loss. The nature of death and change.
The Mundane aspects relating to Pluto and the Star Parans associated with the Planet of change;
Pluto - The significant Planetary Changer of Our time:
Pluto will rise and as it is rising the fixed star Zuben Elgenubi is Rising orb 00 mins 27 secs Therefore the people have to seek an utopia world.
When Pluto is on the 4th house cusp as when Menkar is Culminating orb 00 mins 30 secs - There will be dramatic events that change the lives of a large number of people.
As when Pluto is culminating when the fixed star Menkar is On the 4th house cusp- orb 00 mins 33 secs - We will see dramatic changes that affects people's homes right down to the basic foundation.
Once again, it's Pluto and it will be setting when Menkar is Rising orb 01 mins 38 secs - Dramatic events that disrupt the lives of so many!
The Fixed Star: Menkar and it's Influences.
Menkar, is a vivid orange star in the open jaw of the Whale, the Sea Monster- Cetus. In astrological days it portended danger from great beasts, shame, sick fortune, and sickness to these under its influence. This star has a Saturn based quality, equivalent to impediments of many sorts, worries and assessments of endurance.
Final Conclusions...
Imagine the thought of when the sky can speak to us and to show and we are in tune with many chapters that make up a celestial story being played out above our heads. The fact is that we pretty much have a sense of what to search for the warning signs. In astrology there are many possibilities of forecasting the major events that can be reported throughout the heavens.
In the day that this devastating Typhoon happened the Astro-Cartography map looked
In the event that astrologers of the Earth Horoscopes "Sciences" will discover so many ways to predict important events which will leave to saving lives and to help the people survive in an unstable world!
"One thing to note about the timing of events is that the method of New Moon and Full Moon Astro-Cartography basically lasts for 3 months."
ReplyDeleteThanks for this explanation, I did not know know that, so from your post I always learn something new!That chart for full Moon is really descriptive, Moon was in water sign - Pisces!
Some nice stuff in your article I really feel speechless, because event staffing is quit pretty article. Beside this it is also a long after reading lasting article. Thanks for giving me such type of useful information..